The Future Framers Gap Year is designed to be flexible and allow you to be engaged in other activities such as work, community service, travel, classes for credit, art-creation, starting a business, hobbies, or time with family and friends.
Online full-cohort sessions take place weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 AM-12 PM Pacific / 12 PM-3 PM Eastern, giving screen time breaks and providing opportunities to reflect and practice.
Each day blends different styles of learning--hands-on, social, creative, and opportunities to lead--to keep things fresh, engaging, and fun.
Below is an overview of the year, calendar detail, and a sample schedule of a week in the program.
Optional online Summer Warm-up workshops for enrolled students: job hunt skills, starting a business, and setting gap year goals.
Program begins! Orientation followed by weekly group online modules 6-8 hours per week.
In-person Charter Camp takes place at a North American destination. Includes a week of program activities and a week of self-guided adventure.
In-person Capstone Camp takes place at a North American destination. Includes a week of program activities and a week of self-guided adventure.
View and download the instructional calendar for the specific dates of program activities. We meet most weeks either in-person (at the camps) or online, and have plenty of time off for holidays and breaks.
Planning your gap year calendar? Use the Future Framers Calendar to find great dates to travel. Note that we always leave a week before or after Charter and Capstone Camps for you to extend your time at the destination.
Don't let online sessions get in the way of your travel! Remember, you can join us online from anywhere. This is what makes the program so flexible.
Analyze the results of a career assessment test with small group breakout discussion and determining careers to investigate for informational interviews.
Guest speaker talks about global food systems, and food sustainability and equity projects on the horizon along with an exercise, discussion, and Q&A.
Live cooking class with a professional chef, teaching basic knife skills and making a vegetarian salad and with dressing from scratch for a dinner you will host for your friends.
Mindfulness exercises for stress and anxiety, including in-class practice, taught by a professional wellness coach.
Social media of the future: led by a PhD candidate and media artist with reflection and exercises .